I am linking up over at RagstoStitches for my first every coffee date . I tried to vlog but with the new lap top I have no idea how to do that. So a regular old blog post will have to do. If we were having coffee today I would tell you that I am having tea and not coffee because I am spoiled and really only like Starbucks or other fancy over priced coffee. But I love me some Hot Cinnamon Sunset Tea. If we were having coffee today I would tell you how I have been waiting for WEEKS for this book to hit the shelves of my local Barnes and Noble and that now that it has I can't seem to bring myself to purchase it because I have a hard time buying stuff for myself. This is why I have a cart full of business books in my Crafter's Choice shopping cart that I could purchase for just $30.00 but won't. I would tell you about the note books at Barnes and Nobles I have been eye for months but won't buy for again the same reasons. I would tell you about the thread I did by for ...