One of my favorite pages...even with the spelling errors. I am supposed to be blogging every day for 31 day. I missed days three and four. In the past I would have just given up on the project. Missing two days in the first week would have been too much for my perfectionist tendencies. But I am not giving up or stopping this project. I have learned a lot from my time journaling the Word. And one of the BIG things I God has taught me is that there is no room for perfectionism in the Christian life or in creativity. I could write a whole blog post about how I have let perfectionism impact my personal walk with God, but I will keep it simple. When I give into perfectionism I am saying I believe perfection is possible in my own power. When I believe perfection is attainable in my own power I'm saying I don't need my Savior. Unfortunately I have let perfectionism impact my Bible Journaling journey as well. And I have a inkling that I am not alone. Perfectioni...