This summer I have had a lot of time to think about and to live out the concepts of tribe, community, and living in circles. There's a lot there. There's a lot in the way. The more I look at the world around me and talk to those in my social circles the more I think Perfectionism has become a HUGE hang up when it comes to building communities. We are looking for perfection in our communities. We want to find a group of people that understands, accepts, and agrees with us 100%. We are looking for perfection in ourselves. We are afraid we will do or say something wrong and embarrass or selves or hurt some one else. We are looking for perfection in other people. We don't want to be hurt or challenged or disappointed. We are looking for perfection in our homes. We hold of inviting people over because there are dishes in the sink, or the bathroom sink drips, or the wall paper is dated. We are looking for perfection in our lives. When we have a better ...